Several kinds of differences are there in between a used car and a new car. For instance, from the market point of view the major difference is the difference of its cost, and from the driving point of view the main difference is the condition of the vehicle. From the buyers and sellers point of view cost of a pre-owned cars is the most vital thing. Whether you are a car dealer or any individual, if you are buying a vehicle then your prime motive would be to buy the automobile on minimum resale value.
But if you are selling your vehicle then your main object is to fetch the maximum money. Every car has a different resale value so which car you are going to buy is really matters a lot. In every state the prices of second hand cars are different, such as the cost of used cars in Chennai is varied from the used cars in Bangalore. The reason behind this is that, people have different economical background everywhere so in metropolitan cities people prefer to buy more luxurious and exotic cars. But in other undeveloped cities people try to negotiate as much as they can on the normal small family car. This is the social structure and on these grounds only the car dealers decides that on what cost they can sell their cars.
Another difference between used cars and new cars is the difference between their quality and condition. A used car is a second hand car, so prior to you someone has already used that. So if you buy a new one then since starting you can maintain it according to your sensibility and taste, but in a second hand vehicle you have to accommodate with the condition of the car. At times engine doesn't work as fine as you would expect. And at times, you need to invest extra money for its maintenance and adding accessories in it. But whatever we say, no one can deny this fact that those who really need a car in low cost, used cars are best for them.
Title: Comparison Between New Cars and Used Cars
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Published :2010-11-15T01:56:00-08:00
Comparison Between New Cars and Used Cars
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Published :2010-11-15T01:56:00-08:00
Comparison Between New Cars and Used Cars
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